Berberis aquifolium is also known as mountain grape or Oregon grape. It belongs to the natural order berberidaceae. Traditionally it has been used for the treatment of chronic syphilis, scrofulous cachexia, and chronic skin diseases and for treatment of facial acne in girls. Berberis aquifolium is a significant medicine in homeopathy too. It is used for the treatment of problems like bronchorrhoea, typhoid and affections related to spleen, liver, voice and skin. 

In this article we will have an overview on the use of homeopathic medicine berberis aquifolium for the treatment of skin problems especially acne. 

What are the skin problems that are commonly treated by berberis aquifolium in homeopathy?

Berberis aquifolium is very commonly used in the homeopathic treatment of skin diseases. It is used to treat the following skin conditions:-

  • Acne- It refers to skin condition in which the hair follicles get plugged with dead skin cells and oil. This results in blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps or pus filled pimples. They tend to be persistent and either heals slowly or when one begins to heal the other seems to grow. Acne commonly appears on forehead, face, shoulders, upper back and chest.
  • Psoriasis- It is common, chronic skin problem in which the skin regenerates faster than normal. This causes itchy red patches and scales. They commonly appear on knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. These patches appear in cycles as they flare for a few weeks or even months then go into remission. 
  • Dry eczema- This condition is related to a gene variation which affects the skin’s ability to retain moisture and provide protection against bacteria, allergens and irritants. This causes the skin to be dry, thickened, cracked, red and itchy. It’s a long term condition that has periodic flare-ups. 
  • Eruptions on scalp such as seborrhoeic dermatitis or dandruff or psoriasis of the scalp.
  • Clearing the skin complexion- Skin conditions like acne or eczema can discolor the skin. By treating these skin conditions effectively berberis aquifolium also helps to clear the skin complexion well.  

What are the common causes of skin problems?

Common causes of skin problems are:-

  • Bacteria that gets trapped in hair follicles and skin pores.
  • Parasites, fungus or other such microorganisms that are living on the skin
  • Low immunity
  • Contact with irritants, allergens or the skin of the infected person
  • Genetic factors
  • Diseases that affect the thyroid, kidneys, immune system and other body system
  • Drugs used to treat illnesses can cause skin problems
  • Pregnancy –Pregnancy causes changes in the levels of hormones in the body that may in turn lead to development of skin problems such as acne and eczema. Some preexisting skin diseases get worse during pregnancy. But the good thing is most of the skin problems that emerge during pregnancy go away after delivery. While the others require medical treatment during pregnancy.
  • Stress- Stress can lead to imbalance in the level of hormones in the body. This may in turn aggravate or trigger skin problems.
  • Sun- Sunlight is found to be responsible for various skin problems. Some of these illnesses are harmless and common while the others are rare or even life- threatening.  

What are the tips to prevent the occurrence of skin problems?

It is possible to prevent certain skin problems with the help of the following tips:-

  • Frequently wash the hands with warm water and soap.
  • Try not to share drinking glasses and eating utensils with other people.
  • Avoid directly touching the skin of the infected person.
  • Before using things that are found in public spaces such as gym equipment it is advisable to first clean them.
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as swimsuits, hairbrushes and blanket.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Sleep for at least 7 hours every night.
  • Avoid excessive emotional and physical stress.
  • Eat balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Wash face with water and gentle cleanser every day.
  • Regularly use a moisturizer.
  • Avoid dietary and environmental allergens.
  • Avoid contact with irritants and other harsh chemicals.
  • Avoid the exposure of the skin to excessive heat, cold and wind.
  • To avoid stress practice mind relaxation techniques like yoga, laughter therapy, listening to music etc. 

What is the homeopathic treatment for skin diseases?

The various skin problems vary widely in severity and symptoms. While most of the skin problems are minor there are others that are of greater concern. Homeopathy provides safe and effective treatment for various skin problems. Best homeopathic medicine in order to treat skin disorders is the constitutional medicine. For this a trained homeopathic physician takes a detailed case of the patient. He tries to elicit symptoms from both mental and physical spheres for holistic treatment. 

Common homeopathic medicines for treating skin diseases are Rhus Toxicodendron, Hepar Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Graphites, Arsenicum Album etc.  

What are the indications for the use of berberis aquifolium in treatment of skin problems?

Berberis aquifolium is very often used for homeopathic treatment of acne and other skin diseases. The indications for use of berberis aquifolium in treatment of skin diseases are:-

  • Blotches and pimples on face
  • Skin problems with dry, rough, scaly and pimply skin
  • Eruptions on scalp that extend to face and neck
  • Dark complexion due to dry and scaly skin

What kind of patient best responds to berberis aquifolium?

Berberis aquifolium can be given to people of all ages and both genders if the symptoms agree. It is indicated in patients who have the following symptoms in addition to the characteristic skin problems:-

  • Bilious headache with a sensation of band just above the ears.
  • Stomatitis with tongue thickly coated yellowish brown and feeling as if blistered.
  • Urine with thick mucus and bright-red mealy sediments.
  • Tumor of breast with pain
  • Glandular indurations
  • Chronic Syphilis with pain in bones and muscles
  • Diurnal rise of temperature with flashes of heat to cheeks
  • Mentally the patient tends to be unhappy and depressed that comes on suddenly. They may have hysterical crying at frequent intervals. They tend to be dull, drowsy, and stupid with no inclination to move or do anything.

In what form berberis aquifolium is used to treat acne and skin problems?

For internal use berberis aquifolium is used in tincture form. For this the root of the plant is used for preparing the tincture.

For external application berberis aquifolium is used in the form of cream.


Berberis aquifolium is a medicine of great significance in homeopathy. It is mainly used as a tincture for internal use and gel and cream for external application. It is chiefly used for the treatment of acne, dry eczema, pityriasis and psoriasis. Dry, rough, hard, scaly and pimply skin often guides to the use of this medicine. Berberis aquifolium also helps to clear the skin complexion by treating the skin disorders and making the skin healthy. It can be given to patient of both genders and all ages. It is especially suited to patients who suffer from chronic syphilis and have bone and muscle pains, glandular enlargement along with characteristic unhealthy skin. It also works well for patients who have hepatic torpor and have drowsiness, no desire to work, recurrent stomatitis and digestion problems.