Causes of generalized weakness
- Diseases of the neuromuscular system or injuries
- Anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic infections
- Malignancies
- Illnesses associated with chronic pain
- Metabolic diseases such as thyroid diseases, pituitary diseases and adrenal diseases
- Anemia and other nutritional deficiencies
- Depression or anxiety
- Lack of sleep
- Heart diseases and diabetes
- Certain medications
- Lack of proper diet and nutrition
- Mental and physical stress
- Debilitating fevers, surgeries, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation
Symptoms of generalized weakness
- Lack of stamina
- Trouble doing daily works
- Fatigue and lethargy
- Physical disability
- Loss of attention, concentration and memory.
- Pain all over the body
- Cachexia - loss of appetite, weight loss, muscular wasting, and general mental and physical weakness
- Muscle and bone pains
Schwabe India’s Alfalfa Tonic: A complete remedy for a healthy body
Dr. Willmar Schwabe India’s Alfalfa Tonic is a homeopathic tonic specially formulated for managing all kinds of debility, for quick recovery from exhausting diseases and surgeries. It not only just treats the weakness but also has numerous benefits on the overall health of the body.
Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic is a general health tonic indicated for general weakness, tiredness, lethargy, loss of appetite, mental stress, tension, metabolic disorders, malabsorption, malnutrition, convalescence, and sleeping disorders. It is an appetizer and also it promotes proper digestion and assimilation of the nutrients from the food taken. It is a non-toxic preparation suited to all age groups It not only takes care of physical health but also mental health by relieving the tension, stress, and irritability by soothing the nerves and calming the mind.
The herbal component of Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic such as the homeopathic extracts of Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Salvia, etc, has several bioactive compounds such as saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytochemicals, and alkaloids. Such compounds have been reported to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, relieving symptoms of menopause in women, etc. Whereas the medical component of this tonic such as Kali Arsenicum, Nux Vomica, Acid Phosphoricum, etc, helps to absorb the nutrients and in the proper assimilation of the nutrients. The action of each ingredient is given below for better understanding. Considering all the positive effects and action it has on the multiple organ symptoms of the body, Schwabe Alfalfa tonic proves to be a complete solution to overall health issues.
Along with eating a balanced nutritious diet, regular physical activity, drinking plenty of fluids, getting adequate rest and sleep, taking Schwabe India’s Alfalfa Tonic regularly will help to enhance physical and mental health by promoting the general well-being of the whole body.
Composition of Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic
Acidum Phosphoricum 2x 5.0%
Alfalfa Q 1.0%
Avena Sativa Q 5.0%
China Q 0.25%
Cinnamomum Q 0.5%
Hydrastis Canadensis Q 0.5%
Kalium Arsenicosum 6x 1.0%
Nux Vomica 2x 0.25%
Excipients Q.S. to 100%
Alcohol content 12% v/v
Direction for use of Alfalfa Tonic
Adults: One tablespoonful one hour before meals three times a day.
Children: One teaspoonful one hour before meals three times a day.
The action of the ingredients used in Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic
Alfalfa: It is also known as lucerne or Medicago sativa, a plant that was originally used as a cattle feed for a long time. Alfalfa is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. It was also used as a medicinal herb for humans as it has various bioactive plant compounds, including saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytoestrogens, and alkaloids. It is rich in vitamins mainly vitamins C and K, copper, folic acid, and magnesium, high in antioxidants, and is low in calories.
Reports have shown that the bioactive components of the Alfalfa help to lower cholesterol, beneficial in treating diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, urinary tract infections, menstrual problems, etc.
Avena sativa: It is a highly nutritious herb and is a rich source of protein, minerals, fats, beta-glucan, vitamin E, flavonoids, phenolic acids, polysaccharides, and dietary fiber. It also contains other nutrients such as antioxidants and cholesterol-lowering compounds such as flavonoids, saponins, and sterols. Oats have been found to have many health-promoting effects and help prevent cell damage. This helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases, lower blood pressure, lowers cravings for nicotine, improve gastrointestinal functions, and lower body weight. It has antibacterial and anti-diabetic effects. It is a nerve tonic and acts as a laxative, and antiseptic. It is also an aphrodisiac, improves libido and strengthens the joints.
Cinchona: Cinchona officinalis is a medicinal plant, which is used for the production of quinine, an anti-fever agent. It is especially useful in the prevention and treatment of malaria. Other alkaloids that are extracted from this tree include cinchonine, cinchonidine and quinidine. Cinchona is used for increasing appetite, promoting the release of digestive juices and treating bloating, fullness, and other stomach problems. It is also used to treat disorders including hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and leg cramps. Cinchona can also be used to treat mild influenza, swine flu, the common cold, malaria, enlarged spleen, etc. It fights weakness by enhancing the immune system and regaining strength, improving the appetite and digestion, especially after exhausting illnesses.
Cinnamon: It is one of the most used spices all over the world. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory properties and is loaded with antioxidants such as polyphenols. The enticing aroma and flavour of cinnamon are derived from the active principle contained in the bark, called cinnamaldehyde. It has many medicinal and soothing properties and is used in many traditional herbal medicines. It has probiotic properties, promotes good digestion and absorption, reduces blood pressure and reduces blood sugar by improving the sensitivity to the insulin hormone. It has been found to prevent progressive deterioration of brain cells. It is being studied for its potential use in cancer prevention and treatment. It boosts immunity. It also helps to prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath.
Hydrastis: It is one of the most popular herbs used as an antiseptic, diuretic, laxative, tonic, and anti-inflammatory. It is used in treating hemorrhoids, nasal congestion, sore mouth and gums, conjunctivitis, external wounds, sores, acne, and ringworm. It has active ingredients such as berberine, hydrastine, isoquinoline, alkaloid and has antibiotic, immune-stimulatory, anticonvulsant, sedative, febrifugal, hypotensive, uterotonic, choleretic, and carminative properties. Many studies have shown that berberine has immunostimulatory activity. Berberine increases blood flow through the spleen, improves blood circulation and increases the immune function of the lymphoid organs.
The active compound berberine in Hydrastis has been found to have anti-helminthic activity against various parasites such as tapeworm, viruses, and candida infection. It is also known to stimulate the immune system and enhance the immune response by increasing immunoglobulin production. It can also be used as an alternate therapy to treat diabetes mellitus.
Kali Arsenicum: It is one of the anti psoric homeopathic remedies which is a very deep, long-acting remedy. It is suited to people with a tendency towards malignancy, and inveterate skin diseases. He is restless, nervous, and anemic. It helps fight long-standing anemia, nervousness, and restlessness. It can be used as an antiperiodic after quinine had failed, and as a tonic, for skin diseases of all sorts, for syphilis, for anemia, etc. it helps to treat anemia in people with pale, waxy complexion, cachectic, anxiou,s and frightened look. Pale, waxy, and chlorotic with great weakness. Pale or bluish, or even black. Dark circles below the eyes. The face is sunken and pinched. Weakness of body and limbs. It is a deep acting antipsoric, and is useful in treating rheumatic and gouty affections.
Acidum Phosphoricum: It is one of the most useful homeopathic medicines for tiredness, treating general weakness and promoting healthy, normal growth in children. It is indicated for nervous exhaustion, mental debility, somnolence in young people who are overtaxed mentally or physically and in people recovering after exhausting diseases, grief, loss of vital fluids, etc. It is used to control hair fall and to prevent premature greying of hair. The common acid "debility" is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion. Mental debility comes first followed by physical weakness.
Nux Vomica: It is one of the greatest polychrest remedies in homeopathy. It is used to treat all the new lifestyle-oriented diseases. It can be used to treat various problems whether acute or chronic. It is suited to people who do a lot of mental work and lead a stressful and sedentary life. It is useful for people with long office hours, overstudying, people in business, etc. It also helps to treat addiction to stimulants, coffee, wine, tobacco, and drugs. The complaints are associated with other indulgences such as drinking alcohol, eating rich, spicy and fatty foods. Working late hours and waking up with a thick head, dyspepsia, and irritable temper on the next day.
With the combined healing and health-promoting actions of the homeopathic herbal extracts and some of the best homeopathic medicines, Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic proves to be a one-stop solution for maintaining the overall health, improving immunity, fighting and preventing infections, and treating generalized weakness of the body and mind. It can be used by all age groups and all sexes without any side effects.
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